Month: August 2008

  • Minnesota State Fair

    So I went to check out the Fair with Dominique, my first friend in MN which I met at Seagate. He works the security desk and after chopping it up with him during passing I went to the Fair with him and a few others. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

    Fair Mascot

    Me and Dominique

    Dominique and his Girl, his bro Micah and His Girl Lily and her lil bro Jerry


    Strawberry Milkshake from the Dairy Barn

    Pretzel Stand, I ate it before I took a picture... I forgot I was hungry!


    Gator Taters was the final pic. It tastes like chicken! Delicious!

    I got caught trying to grub out on a bucket of cookies.... I didnt get enough milk either.

    The Goods!

    We made a stop at the Butterfly House:


    Another Close Up... These things were HUGE!

    This one Ninja'd on me and its pretty scary.

    Bro and Sis... and Ninja'd on Jerry's Face... It hurt he said... they dig in hard with the legs.

    Some Random Girl Covered in Butterflys.



    Me and Mr. Ed.

    World's Biggest.... 1200 lbs. of BACON!







    To End the Night:

    GIANT SLIDE FTW!!!! We went on it TWICE! 2X! =D

    Afterward went to Perkins to get some normal food.

    That's All Folks!

  • Last Weekend in MN @ the Cabin

    I have a few photos of where I was this past weekend, but none of the fun stuff I did. I learned to water ski and went tubin' for the first time... it was awesome. My co worker had a pretty sweet spot, something I wish to have one day.

    Without Further Delay:

    Here's the arrival and my rental car... 40mpg according to my digital gauge... not bad for a Hyundai

    Here's the dock... a nice 150 engine in that 19' aluminum boat.... pretty fast at 40-50mph according to the GPS on board.

    Here's the stretch of the waterfront / lawn.... its a pretty nice sized lot. Picnic Bench FTW!!!

    A really sweet sunset!

    Our campfire and almost if not full moon

    Just shooting around I set a long exposure time and one of my coworkers ran through and I got a cool ghost image of him.... creepy / scary huh?

    That's All Folks!

  • I Think I Got Some Cooking Skills

    So my hotel has a mini ktichen.

    And what does the food look like?

    New York With a light Pepper Char (Med Rare)

    Zucchini and Yellow Squash with Carmelized Red Onions

    Gotta have my RICE!!!!


  • Small mouth or Large mouth Bass?

    find it interesting that we can parallel many things in life. Examples
    are heard all so often and I was thinking about this a couple of weeks


    “Partners and Fishing”


    Despite the fact that
    fishing and looking for partner are 2 different things, the
    characteristics, motions, actions, and behaviors have some common, if
    not exactly the same, events.


    Let’s begin with fishing:


    Before you can go
    fishing you must learn how to fish. Usually you have your dad or uncle
    teach you when you’re just a wee tot. From there you will learn the
    basics, such as types of fish, bait, methods, practices, secret fishing
    holes, etc… With the proper skills in head knowledge you can begin to
    fish, most of them time you’re just giving a hook with a worm on it to
    start, then you would advance to lures, jigs and so on. With enough
    practice you may pick up fly fishing and have a whole new way of
    fishing. Nonetheless, in the end you will develop your own style and
    decide what kind of fish you like to fish for.


    Along the way of
    learning how to fish the first lesson you will learn is that fishing
    takes patience. All good fishermen know that you won’t go out to the
    lake, river, ocean or pond and throw the bait in and then immediately
    get a bite or hit on the line. Sure it can happen, but most of the time
    it doesn’t. For those that are lucky, you will catch a storm of fish
    and for those not so lucky you can go out for days and not catch one,
    which would be quite discouraging.


    There are many
    different types of fish out there, most pronounced would be fresh water
    Vs. salt water. Still fish are fish, but concerning on the type of fish
    you may have to fight it back to the boat, shore or dock in order to
    call it your catch. Each fish is different with many methods of
    searching and tracking the best times to fish or places to go to fish.
    Some like warm waters like bass (small and large mouth) and some like
    it ice cold like salmon or trout. Some can be caught with bait other
    with lures. All have certain types of personalities, like how they
    fight or behave given the circumstances. Some are territorial some swim
    in schools, but all are pursued to be caught.


    Some fishermen fish
    for prestige or fame, others for fun, or “catch and release.” Each
    fisherman can appreciate another and always ask, “Any luck?” Whether or
    not they caught something they all have a tale to tell about the
    biggest, baddest fish they almost caught or have caught and that they
    may have put it on the wall at home or cooked it for dinner. In other
    words we find that fishermen are proud of what they have caught or the
    good times they had while fishing.



    Looking for your partner…


    Much fishing we find
    ourselves a little later on in life looking for the right partner and
    there is as many people out there as there are fish…. But I think fish
    have people beat in population. The common things we learn about
    fishing at a young as can be seen as a tutorial to that of looking for
    your partner, catching it and taking it home with you. Hopefully you
    don’t cook it or put it on the wall, but you will always remember all
    the ones you caught or came close to catching.


    I chose to use
    partner instead of “the opposite sex” as to not offend anyone with a
    different sexual orientation than my own. I personally go for the
    opposite gender, that being women, so I will base my opinions on that
    of “looking for the right girl.”


    Looking for a girl is
    much more difficult than fishing some may say, or some might say that
    fishing is harder than looking for the right girl. What ever the
    opinion may be, patience is the most important quality anyone can have,
    especially guys. Just like fishing we need to know how to look for a
    girl. Like places, and what to use to catch them. Much like a predator
    tracking its prey we must study this complex situation.


    Studying the prey
    means knowing what you want to eat, or catch. It also means you got to
    know what you want. For instance a wolf won’t start hunting everything
    small to gigantic as it is smart enough what it can take down and what
    is tasty for it to eat. IN the same way, we know what we want from a
    girl and so we need to look for those characteristics.

    If its beauty, then
    you’ll go after that shining star; if its intelligence you’ll go after
    that book worm… no matter what you like to catch, you have to look/hunt
    in the right place.


    But you need to be
    equipped. You can’t go fishing without a rod, or net if you want to
    catch a gang. You need line, bait/lures, tackle box and so on. Same
    with looking for a girl, you want to plan what you have offer, what you
    will have to bring and so on. Understanding a girl is crucial and
    usually not possible from what I have experienced as well as many
    others, so I wont even attempt to act like I know how to understand
    them. They are like fish, sometimes they bite… sometimes they don’t.
    What you need to know is just like your own style of fishing, you do it
    your way. The fish or girl wants to be caught the way it wants to be
    caught, you can pretend to be something you’re not and expect to catch
    it. For example you cant bring in a 40lb salmon on a 6 lb. test line….
    It just wont happen… it’ll snap the line and you’ll feel like an idiot
    for trying something that doesn’t work for you. You’re smarter than
    that… I hope. You just gotta be you and do it your way… be yourself.


    Be realistic…. You
    cant catch something that is out of your league. In order words do go
    fishing with something that just wont work for you. You gotta be able
    to handle what you want. Look for what’s right for you and don’t think
    that if you try hard enough things will work out… they don’t… it takes
    two to tangle. You cant go deep sea fishing on a fresh water lake dock
    fishing budget, just like a seven year old trying to handle a sailfish
    would be a good idea… it’ll pull him over board…. Make sure you don’t
    bite off more than you can chew, be honest with yourself if you really
    think you have a chance at catching whatever it is you’re after.


    Fisherman are confident when they go fishing, you should be too. I just thought I shold throw that one out there….


    But most
    importantly….. HAVE FUN…. Fishing is relaxing and the times you will
    talk about till your 75 sharing your tall tales with your grandkids so
    make it a memorable time and enjoy yourself when your in the moment.
    It’s about the love for the catch and of course some bragging rights, I
    wont lie, that you like to go fishing.


    Love the most
    important thing….. don’t do something that you don’t love to do, love
    to fish then fish…. If you need to take lessons, do it…. But love the
    fish and enjoy the good times…..


    Now I just need to
    decide… large or small mouth bass for the next trip…. And I better make
    sure I got all the gear I need in my tackle box….

    I recycled this post from about 1 year ago. I've been reading a lot of "relationship" and "searching for someone" etc.... So I thought this would be a good entry for some of my new subscribers to read and perhaps share with others.

  • The Trappist: A Belgium Beer Pub & House of Chicken and Waffles

    I had no idea this jewel of a pub open this last December in my home town of Oakland. The location being downtown next to Chinatown totally shocked me and it is like something out of a movie. You see a hanging sign and walk in and next thing you know it's a gang of white people in here, like all of the Oakland population found in one place. j/k Oakland is incredibly diverse. But it was nice to have found a pub full of Belgium Beer. they had like 15 on tap and a gang of refrigerators full of all kinds of different bottled brews as well.

    I went with three buddies and it a awesome night. The beer was quite pricey as I'm used to maybe $4 a beer, but some cant run you $36 a bottle (750ml) as it was suggested to me.

    Anyways I had 4 beers:

    1. I cant remember the name, but it was a dark stout with 10.5% ABV. It had a rich favor and a hint of chocolate. It was delicious! ($8/goblet)

    2. The second one I cant remember, but it was one of the two female bartenders suggestions. I was a lighter beer, in color and was was smooth and flavorful. ABV was 9.5% ($5-6/goblet)

    3. Allagash Curieux, a name I dared not try to pronounce, but instead call it. OMG.. I was already tipsy and this was packing 11% ABV.($6/goblet)

    4. Koningshoven Trappist Quadrupel, the bartenders favorite on tap. I cant even remember what it taste like, but I do remember it being good. 10% ABV to finish the night ($8/goblet)

    The best part about this place is that you can sample some beer before you order it, if it is on tap that is. The service was good and I was plenty satisfied with my visit.

    To get straighten out a bit I needed food so I went to "House of Chicken and Waffles" down the street at Jack London square, which is open to the wee hours of the morning.

    An excellent saturday night, despite the fact that I had to work in the morning.

  • Away from home on my Birthday?

    I just got my itinerary in which I will be leaving to Minneapolis, MN this Sunday and will be there until September 14th. Sadly my birthday is on September 12th, Friday. I haven't had a birthday on a weekend/Friday Night in years, and now I do.... =(

    I need some friends to party with in Minneapolis!

    Count down until flight: 6 days....